Guy Lubitsh portrait
Guy Lubitsh

Psychologist, Consultant, Educator.

I am an organisational psychologist, consultant, facilitator, executive coach, author and speaker.

I work as a Client Director and professor of Practice at Ashridge Executive Education/Hult International Business School and in the last twenty-five years, I have been working with Executives at the highest levels of international companies in Europe, US and the Middle East. My work has spanned industries and sectors including; pharma, media, volunteering and engineering. Current clients include: Novartis, BSkyB, Novo Nordisk, Diabetes UK, Great Ormond Street Children’s Charity, World Health Organisation and British National Health Service (NHS).

My passion is to help leaders improve their ability to connect with others by helping them to navigate organisational power and politics, flex personal leadership style and deal with resistance to change, handle difficult conversations when the stakes are high, improve communication with a range of stakeholders and increase confidence in any social setting. I thrive on building long-term partnerships and considered by my clients as a dedicated, insightful, appreciative yet challenging coach/consultant/partner.

Guy Lubitsh

"Connection gives purpose and meaning to our lives"

have led a national leadership programme for the Care Quality Improvement, to develop the organisational culture and productivity (this work won the Gold award of the Training in the OD (2018) in the OD category). My work with the ‘Diabetes Champions’ won several awards including; winner of the 2018 Health Collaboration Awards - EFPIA - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, Gold winner of the 2017 excellence in practice awards - "EuropeanFoundation Management Development (EFMD).I have published articles in the areas of talent management, collaboration across organisational boundaries, organisational consulting and the role of emotions at work.

Guy Lubitsh Sitting image

I trained in organisational consulting at the Tavistock Centre in London. Member of Ashridge’s Masters in Executive Coaching. I have MSc degrees in Organisational Consulting and a Doctorate in Organisational Psychology. In the last ten years, I have been a visiting professor at the Interdisciplinary Centre in Herzlia, teaching on several academic programmes including MBA in Healthcare Innovation.

I live in North – West London and continuously learning how to adapt my personal communication style, to connect with my wonderful two teenagers. In my spare time, I enjoy yoga and always seek opportunities to sail in the Mediterranean Sea.

Guy Lubitsh book connect
My book


resolve conflict, improve communication and strengthen relationships’ has been recently released by Pearson/Financial Times.

Guy group photo